







👋ヘッズアップ! Clubhouseでの支払いの仕組みを説明するために、4月5日に利用規約とプライバシーポリシーが変更されました。変更を確認してください。 Clubhouseを引き続き使用することにより、新しい条件に同意したことになります。ありがとうございました!

💰支払い! (ベータ)。 Clubhouseの初期の頃から、指針となる原則は、作成者を最優先するプラットフォームを構築することでした。私たちの目的は、クリエイターがコミュニティ、視聴者、影響力を構築できるよう支援することです。また、Clubhouseの規模が拡大し続ける中、ビジネスモデルをクリエイターのビジネスモデルに合わせることが重要です。これにより、クリエイターがプラットフォームで収益を上げ、成功できるようになります。




支払いの100%は作成者に支払われます。送金者には小額のカード処理手数料も請求されます。この手数料は、支払い処理パートナーであるStripeに直接送金されます。 Clubhouseは何もしません。

これは、クリエイターがClubhouseで直接支払いを受けることができる多くの機能の最初のものになります。私たちは、人々がそれをどのように使用するかを見て、クリエイターの成長と繁栄を支援するために懸命に努力し続けることを楽しみにしています。 :)



今のところ以上です。いつものように、Clubhouseに参加していただきありがとうございます! 🙏🏽




Release Notes


👋🏽 Thank you so much for being a Clubhouse beta tester!

We're working hard to ship updates and get the app ready for the world. Below is a list of what we shipped in each recent release.

Mon, April 5


👋 Heads up! Our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy changed on April 5 to explain how payments work on Clubhouse. Please take a minute to review the changes. By continuing to use Clubhouse, you are agreeing to the new terms. Thank you!

Hi all—hope you are having a good one! We have a pretty big release for you today. Here is what's new!


💰 Payments! (beta). From the earliest days of Clubhouse, a guiding principle has been to build a platform that puts the creator first. Our aim is to help creators build community, audience and impact. And as Clubhouse continues to scale, it’s important to us to align our business model with that of the creators—helping them make money and thrive on the platform.


Today, we’re thrilled to begin rolling out Payments—our first monetization feature for creators on Clubhouse.


All users will be able to send payments today, and we’ll be rolling out the ability to receive payments in waves, starting with a small test group today. Our hope is to collect feedback, fine-tune the feature, and roll it out to everyone soon.


To send a payment, just go to the profile of a creator (who has the feature enabled), tap "Send Money,” then enter the amount you would like to send them. The first time you do this, you'll be asked to register a credit or debit card.


100% of the payment will go to the creator. The person sending the money will also be charged a small card processing fee, which will go directly to our payment processing partner, Stripe. Clubhouse will take nothing.


This will be the first of many features that allow creators and to get paid directly on Clubhouse. We are excited to see how people use it, and to continue working hard to help creators grow and thrive. :)


A better Activity Feed. Certain types of notifications require a response, and if you don't clear them they can pile up at the top of your feed, pushing all of the other notifications down. Gary told us he has 248 of them 🤯, and other people have a ton too! To fix this, we added an overflow tray for these types of notifications, so you'll only see the most recent 3 and can tap through to view the rest.


Plus lots of work under the hood, so we can keep making your feed more relevant, improving what notifications you receive, and continuously improve both trust & safety and support.


That's it for now. As always, thank you for being part of Clubhouse! 🙏🏽